Not just coffee – all your office, break room & refreshment needs.

Here at High Tech Vending Systems, we strive to make your job easier. That’s why we’ve become a full-service refreshment supplier and certified one-stop shop for all your coffee and break room needs. Over the past 15 years, we’ve earned a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. We have everything your office needs in stock, from locally roasted coffee to pantry supplies and beyond. We’re here to ensure that shopping and restocking your office is a quick, convenient and all-around pleasant process.



Your employees work better when they’re fully charged. An hour lunch break isn’t enough to keep them going all day. That’s why you need a reliable service to keep your break room stocked with a variety of snacks. We’ll make sure you never run out of snack selections, whether it be pretzels for the weekly sales meeting, or Snickers bars for the sweet tooth in Human Resources, or oatmeal for the IT guy who doesn’t have time to stop for breakfast.


cool, refreshing cold beverages to keep your office going.

There’s plenty of reasons to keep your break room stocked with a variety of beverages. They not only keep your employees hydrated and happy, they reduce out-of-office runs to convenience stores and delis, so more work gets done throughout the day. Plus, your employees will be thankful they have something to reach for when that third cup of coffee seems like overkill.


Fully stock your office break room or cafeteria.

As a full service coffee and office supply company, We provides all the tools you need to complete your break room. Whether you need to restock on something small like napkins or are looking for something larger like a toaster oven, we’re the one-stop shop coffee service that can get you what you need.